
C header file: <time.h> - time operations

In C programming language time.h is a header file defined in the C Standard Library that contains time and date function declarations to provide standardized access to time/date manipulation and formatting.

The <time.h> include file declares the time manipulation functions:

A complete table of time Lybrary:

Name Description
asctime() function Convert date and time to a string.
clock() function Report CPU time used.
ctime() function Convert a time value to a date and time string.
difftime() function Compute the difference between two calendar time values.
gmtime() function Convert a time value to a broken-down UTC time.
localtime() function Convert a time value to a broken-down local time.
mktime() function Convert broken-down time into time since the Epoch.
strftime() function Convert date and time to a string.
time() function Get time.

Next C Programming: C asctime()