
C#: Compare the last names and lists them in alphabetical order

C# Sharp String: Exercise-24 with Solution

Write a C# Sharp program to compare the last names of two people. It then lists them in alphabetical order.

C# Sharp Exercises: Compare the last names and lists them in alphabetical order.

Sample Solution:-

C# Sharp Code:

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class Example24
    public static void Main()
        // Define and initialize two name strings
        string name1 = "John Peterson";
        string name2 = "Michel Jhonson";

        // Get position of space character in name1.
        int index1 = name1.IndexOf(" ");
        index1 = index1 < 0 ? 0 : index1--; // Decrement the index1 value (unless it's negative)

        // Get position of space character in name2.
        int index2 = name2.IndexOf(" ");
        index2 = index2 < 0 ? 0 : index2--; // Decrement the index2 value (unless it's negative)

        // Determine the maximum length between name1 and name2
        int length = Math.Max(name1.Length, name2.Length);

        // Display the names sorted alphabetically by last name
        Console.WriteLine("Sorted alphabetically by last name:");

        // Compare the last names of name1 and name2 using the specified culture and ignore case
        if (String.Compare(name1, index1, name2, index2, length, new CultureInfo("en-US"), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) < 0)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}\n{1}", name1, name2); // Display name1 first if it comes before name2
            Console.WriteLine("{0}\n{1}", name2, name1); // Otherwise, display name2 first

Sample Output:

Sorted alphabetically by last name:                                                                           
Michel Jhonson                                                                                                
John Peterson

Flowchart :

Flowchart: C# Sharp Exercises - Compare the last names and lists them in alphabetical order

C# Sharp Code Editor:

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Previous: Write a C# Sharp program to compare two substrings using different cultures and ignoring the case of the substrings.
Next: Write a program in C# Sharp to insert a substring before the first occurence of a string.

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