JavaScript: Number of occurrences of each letter in specified string
JavaScript Function: Exercise-17 with Solution
Count Letter Occurrences
Write a JavaScript function to get the number of occurrences of each letter in a specified string.
Visual Presentation:

Sample Solution-1:
JavaScript Code:
// Define a function named Char_Counts that counts the occurrences of each character in the input string
function Char_Counts(str1) {
// Create an empty object uchars to store character counts
var uchars = {};
// Use the replace method to iterate through each non-whitespace character in the input string
str1.replace(/\S/g, function(l) {
// Check if the current character is already in the uchars object
uchars[l] = (isNaN(uchars[l]) ? 1 : uchars[l] + 1);
// Return the object containing character counts
return uchars;
// Log the result of calling Char_Counts with the input string "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" to the console
console.log(Char_Counts("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"));

Live Demo:
See the Pen JavaScript - Number of occurrences of each letter in specified string-function-ex- 17 by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.
Sample Solution-2:
JavaScript Code:
// Function to count occurrences of each letter in a string
function countLetterOccurrences(str) {
// Initialize an empty object to store letter occurrences
const letterOccurrences = {};
// Convert the string to lowercase to make the counting case-insensitive
const lowercaseStr = str.toLowerCase();
// Iterate through each character in the lowercase string
for (let char of lowercaseStr) {
// Check if the character is an alphabet letter
if (/^[a-z]$/.test(char)) {
// Update or initialize the count for the current letter
letterOccurrences[char] = (letterOccurrences[char] || 0) + 1;
return letterOccurrences;
// Example usage:
const inputString = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";
const result = countLetterOccurrences(inputString);
// Log the result to the console

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