
MySQL Joins Exercises: Find the employee ID, job title, number of days between ending date and starting date for all jobs in department 90

MySQL Joins: Exercise-7 with Solution

Write a MySQL query to find the employee ID, job title, number of days between ending date and starting date for all jobs in department 90 from job history.

Sample table: job_history
employee_id  start_date  end_date    job_id      department_id
-----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -------------
employee_id  start_date  end_date`   job_id      department_id
102          1993-01-13  1998-07-24  IT_PROG     60
101          1989-09-21  1993-10-27  AC_ACCOUNT  110
101          1993-10-28  1997-03-15  AC_MGR      110
201          1996-02-17  1999-12-19  MK_REP      20
114          1998-03-24  1999-12-31  ST_CLERK    50
122          1999-01-01  1999-12-31  ST_CLERK    50
200          1987-09-17  1993-06-17  AD_ASST     90
176          1998-03-24  1998-12-31  SA_REP      80
176          1999-01-01  1999-12-31  SA_MAN      80
200          1994-07-01  1998-12-31  AC_ACCOUNT  90
Sample table: jobs
| JOB_ID     | JOB_TITLE                       | MIN_SALARY | MAX_SALARY |
| AD_PRES    | President                       |      20000 |      40000 |
| AD_VP      | Administration Vice President   |      15000 |      30000 |
| AD_ASST    | Administration Assistant        |       3000 |       6000 |
| FI_MGR     | Finance Manager                 |       8200 |      16000 |
| FI_ACCOUNT | Accountant                      |       4200 |       9000 |
| AC_MGR     | Accounting Manager              |       8200 |      16000 |
| AC_ACCOUNT | Public Accountant               |       4200 |       9000 |
| SA_MAN     | Sales Manager                   |      10000 |      20000 |
| SA_REP     | Sales Representative            |       6000 |      12000 |
| PU_MAN     | Purchasing Manager              |       8000 |      15000 |
| PU_CLERK   | Purchasing Clerk                |       2500 |       5500 |
| ST_MAN     | Stock Manager                   |       5500 |       8500 |
| ST_CLERK   | Stock Clerk                     |       2000 |       5000 |
| SH_CLERK   | Shipping Clerk                  |       2500 |       5500 |
| IT_PROG    | Programmer                      |       4000 |      10000 |
| MK_MAN     | Marketing Manager               |       9000 |      15000 |
| MK_REP     | Marketing Representative        |       4000 |       9000 |
| HR_REP     | Human Resources Representative  |       4000 |       9000 |
| PR_REP     | Public Relations Representative |       4500 |      10500 |


-- This SQL query retrieves specific columns from the 'job_history' table and calculates the duration of each job in days for employees in the specified department.

    employee_id, -- Selecting the 'employee_id' column from the result set.
    job_title, -- Selecting the 'job_title' column from the result set.
    end_date - start_date AS Days -- Calculating the difference between 'end_date' and 'start_date' columns and aliasing it as 'Days'.
    job_history -- Specifying the 'job_history' table.
    jobs -- Performing a natural join with the 'jobs' table.
    department_id = 90; -- Filtering the result to include only records where the department ID is 90.


  • This SQL query retrieves specific columns ('employee_id', 'job_title') from the 'job_history' table and calculates the duration of each job in days for employees in the department with ID 90.
  • It performs a natural join between the 'job_history' and 'jobs' tables based on any common columns they share.
  • The calculated duration in days is obtained by subtracting the 'start_date' from the 'end_date' for each job.
  • The WHERE clause filters the result to include only records where the department ID is 90.
  • The comment lines provide a brief explanation of each part of the SQL query for clarity and understanding.

Sample Output:

employee_id		job_title				Days
200			Administration Assistant		59700
200			Public Accountant			40530


MySQL Code Editor:

Structure of 'hr' database :

hr database

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Previous:Write a MySQL query to get the department name and number of employees in the department.
Next:Write a MySQL query to display the department ID and name and first name of manager.

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