
Pandas Series property: loc

Access a group of rows and columns in Pandas

The loc property is used to access a group of rows and columns by label(s) or a boolean array.

.loc[] is primarily label based, but may also be used with a boolean array.

Allowed inputs are:

  • A single label, e.g. 5 or 'a', (note that 5 is interpreted as a label of the index, and never as an integer position along the index).
  • A list or array of labels, e.g. ['a', 'b', 'c'].
  • A slice object with labels, e.g. 'a':'f'.
  • A boolean array of the same length as the axis being sliced, e.g. [True, False, True].
  • A callable function with one argument (the calling Series or DataFrame) and that returns valid output for indexing (one of the above)


Pandas Series loc property

Raises: KeyError
when any items are not found

Example - Getting values:

Python-Pandas Code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([[2, 3], [6, 5], [9, 8]],
     index=['cobra', 'viper', 'sidewinder'],
     columns=['max_speed', 'shield'])


                  max_speed  shield
cobra               2       3
viper               6       5
sidewinder          9       8
Pandas Series loc property

Example - Single label. Note this returns the row as a Series:

Python-Pandas Code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([[2, 3], [6, 5], [9, 8]],
     index=['cobra', 'viper', 'sidewinder'],
     columns=['max_speed', 'shield'])


max_speed    6
shield       5
Name: viper, dtype: int64

Example - List of labels. Note using [[]] returns a DataFrame:

Python-Pandas Code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([[2, 3], [6, 5], [9, 8]],
     index=['cobra', 'viper', 'sidewinder'],
     columns=['max_speed', 'shield'])
df.loc[['viper', 'sidewinder']]


                  max_speed  shield
viper               6       5
sidewinder          9       8
Pandas Series loc property

Example - Single label for row and column:

Python-Pandas Code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([[2, 3], [6, 5], [9, 8]],
     index=['cobra', 'viper', 'sidewinder'],
     columns=['max_speed', 'shield'])
df.loc['cobra', 'shield']


Pandas Series loc property

Slice with labels for row and single label for column. As mentioned above, note that both the start and stop of the slice<br. are included.

Python-Pandas Code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([[2, 3], [6, 5], [9, 8]],
     index=['cobra', 'viper', 'sidewinder'],
     columns=['max_speed', 'shield'])
df.loc['cobra':'viper', 'max_speed']


cobra    2
viper    6
Name: max_speed, dtype: int64
Pandas Series loc property

Example - Boolean list with the same length as the row axis:

Python-Pandas Code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([[2, 3], [6, 5], [9, 8]],
     index=['cobra', 'viper', 'sidewinder'],
     columns=['max_speed', 'shield'])
df.loc[[False, False, True]]


                  max_speed  shield
sidewinder          9       8
Pandas Series loc property

Example - Conditional that returns a boolean Series:

Python-Pandas Code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([[2, 3], [6, 5], [9, 8]],
     index=['cobra', 'viper', 'sidewinder'],
     columns=['max_speed', 'shield'])
df.loc[df['shield'] > 6]


       max_speed	shield
sidewinder	9	8
Pandas Series loc property

Example - Conditional that returns a boolean Series with column labels specified:

Python-Pandas Code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([[2, 3], [6, 5], [9, 8]],
     index=['cobra', 'viper', 'sidewinder'],
     columns=['max_speed', 'shield'])
df.loc[df['shield'] > 6, ['max_speed']]


sidewinder	9
Pandas Series loc property

Example - Callable that returns a boolean Series:

Python-Pandas Code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([[2, 3], [6, 5], [9, 8]],
     index=['cobra', 'viper', 'sidewinder'],
     columns=['max_speed', 'shield'])
df.loc[lambda df: df['shield'] == 8]


        max_speed	shield
sidewinder	9	   8
Pandas Series loc property

Example - Setting values:

Set value for all items matching the list of labels

Python-Pandas Code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([[2, 3], [6, 5], [9, 8]],
     index=['cobra', 'viper', 'sidewinder'],
     columns=['max_speed', 'shield'])
df.loc[['viper', 'sidewinder'], ['shield']] = 50


                 max_speed  shield
cobra               2       3
viper               6      50
sidewinder          9      50
Pandas Series loc property

Example - Set value for an entire row:

Python-Pandas Code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([[2, 3], [6, 5], [9, 8]],
     index=['cobra', 'viper', 'sidewinder'],
     columns=['max_speed', 'shield'])
df.loc[['viper', 'sidewinder'], ['shield']] = 50
df.loc['cobra'] = 10


                 max_speed  shield
cobra              10      10
viper               6      50
sidewinder          9      50
Pandas Series loc property

Example - Set value for an entire column:

Python-Pandas Code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([[2, 3], [6, 5], [9, 8]],
     index=['cobra', 'viper', 'sidewinder'],
     columns=['max_speed', 'shield'])
df.loc[['viper', 'sidewinder'], ['shield']] = 50
df.loc[:, 'max_speed'] = 40


                 max_speed	shield
cobra	                  40	10
viper	                  40	50
sidewinder	          40	50
Pandas Series loc property

Example - Set value for rows matching callable condition:

Python-Pandas Code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([[2, 3], [6, 5], [9, 8]],
     index=['cobra', 'viper', 'sidewinder'],
     columns=['max_speed', 'shield'])
df.loc[['viper', 'sidewinder'], ['shield']] = 50
df.loc[df['shield'] > 25] = 0


                   max_speed	shield
cobra	                   40	10
viper	                   0	0
sidewinder	           0  	0
Pandas Series loc property

Example - Getting values on a DataFrame with an index that has integer labels:

Another example using integers for the index

Python-Pandas Code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([[2, 3], [6, 5], [9, 8]],
     index=[3, 4, 5], columns=['max_speed', 'shield'])


       max_speed  shield
3          2       3
4          6       5
5          9       8

Slice with integer labels for rows. As mentioned above, note that both the start and stop of the slice are included.

Python-Pandas Code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([[2, 3], [6, 5], [9, 8]],
     index=[3, 4, 5], columns=['max_speed', 'shield'])


       max_speed  shield
3          2       3
4          6       5
5          9       8
Pandas Series loc property

Example - Getting values with a MultiIndex:

A number of examples using a DataFrame with a MultiIndex

Python-Pandas Code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
tuples = [
   ('cobra', 's1'), ('cobra', 's2'),
   ('sidewinder', 's1'), ('sidewinder', 's2'),
   ('viper', 's2'), ('viper', 's3')

index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples)

values = [[6, 2], [0, 4], [20, 30],
         [1, 4], [5, 1], [36, 56]]
df = pd.DataFrame(values, columns=['max_speed', 'shield'], index=index)


                    max_speed  shield
cobra      s1          6       2
           s2          0       4
sidewinder s1         20      30
           s2          1       4
viper      s2          5       1
           s3         36      56

Example - Single label. Note this returns a DataFrame with a single index:

Python-Pandas Code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
tuples = [
   ('cobra', 's1'), ('cobra', 's2'),
   ('sidewinder', 's1'), ('sidewinder', 's2'),
   ('viper', 's2'), ('viper', 's3')

index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples)

values = [[6, 2], [0, 4], [20, 30],
         [1, 4], [5, 1], [36, 56]]
df = pd.DataFrame(values, columns=['max_speed', 'shield'], index=index)


        max_speed  shield
s1          6       2
s2          0       4
Pandas Series loc property

Example - Single index tuple. Note this returns a Series:

Python-Pandas Code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
tuples = [
   ('cobra', 's1'), ('cobra', 's2'),
   ('sidewinder', 's1'), ('sidewinder', 's2'),
   ('viper', 's2'), ('viper', 's3')

index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples)

values = [[6, 2], [0, 4], [20, 30],
         [1, 4], [5, 1], [36, 56]]
df = pd.DataFrame(values, columns=['max_speed', 'shield'], index=index)
df.loc[('cobra', 's2')]


max_speed    0
shield       4
Name: (cobra, s2), dtype: int64
Pandas Series loc property

Example - Single label for row and column. Similar to passing in a tuple, this returns a Series:

Python-Pandas Code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
tuples = [
   ('cobra', 's1'), ('cobra', 's2'),
   ('sidewinder', 's1'), ('sidewinder', 's2'),
   ('viper', 's2'), ('viper', 's3')

index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples)

values = [[6, 2], [0, 4], [20, 30],
         [1, 4], [5, 1], [36, 56]]
df = pd.DataFrame(values, columns=['max_speed', 'shield'], index=index)
df.loc['cobra', 's1']


max_speed    6
shield       2
Name: (cobra, s1), dtype: int64
Pandas Series loc property

Example - Single tuple. Note using [[]] returns a DataFrame:

Python-Pandas Code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
tuples = [
   ('cobra', 's1'), ('cobra', 's2'),
   ('sidewinder', 's1'), ('sidewinder', 's2'),
   ('viper', 's2'), ('viper', 's3')

index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples)

values = [[6, 2], [0, 4], [20, 30],
         [1, 4], [5, 1], [36, 56]]
df = pd.DataFrame(values, columns=['max_speed', 'shield'], index=index)
df.loc[[('cobra', 's2')]]


          max_speed	shield
cobra	s2	      0 	4
Pandas Series loc property

Example - Single tuple for the index with a single label for the column:

Python-Pandas Code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
tuples = [
   ('cobra', 's1'), ('cobra', 's2'),
   ('sidewinder', 's1'), ('sidewinder', 's2'),
   ('viper', 's2'), ('viper', 's3')

index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples)

values = [[6, 2], [0, 4], [20, 30],
         [1, 4], [5, 1], [36, 56]]
df = pd.DataFrame(values, columns=['max_speed', 'shield'], index=index)
df.loc[('cobra', 's1'), 'shield']


Pandas Series loc property

Example - Slice from index tuple to single label:

Python-Pandas Code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
tuples = [
   ('cobra', 's1'), ('cobra', 's2'),
   ('sidewinder', 's1'), ('sidewinder', 's2'),
   ('viper', 's2'), ('viper', 's3')

index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples)

values = [[6, 2], [0, 4], [20, 30],
         [1, 4], [5, 1], [36, 56]]
df = pd.DataFrame(values, columns=['max_speed', 'shield'], index=index)
df.loc[('cobra', 's1'):'viper']


                     max_speed  shield
cobra      s1          6       2
           s2          0       4
sidewinder s1         20      30
           s2          1       4
viper      s2          5       1
           s3         36      56
Pandas Series loc property

Example - Slice from index tuple to index tuple:

Python-Pandas Code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
tuples = [
   ('cobra', 's1'), ('cobra', 's2'),
   ('sidewinder', 's1'), ('sidewinder', 's2'),
   ('viper', 's2'), ('viper', 's3')

index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples)

values = [[6, 2], [0, 4], [20, 30],
         [1, 4], [5, 1], [36, 56]]
df = pd.DataFrame(values, columns=['max_speed', 'shield'], index=index)
df.loc[('cobra', 's1'):('viper', 's2')]


                     max_speed  shield
cobra      s1          6       2
           s2          0       4
sidewinder s1         20      30
           s2          1       4
viper      s2          5       1
Pandas Series loc property

Previous: Access a single value for a row/column pair in Pandas
Next: Access a group of rows and columns in Pandas

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