
PHP Exercises: Reads a list of pairs of a word and a page number, and prints the word and a list of the corresponding page numbers

PHP: Exercise-77 with Solution

Write a PHP program which reads a list of pairs of a word and a page number, and prints the word and a list of the corresponding page numbers.
The number of pairs of a word and a page number is less than or equal to 1000. A word never appear in a page more than once. The words should be printed in alphabetical order and the page numbers should be printed in ascending order.

Sample Output:
The maximum value of the sum of integers passing according to the rule on one line.

Sample Solution:

PHP Code:

// Initialize an empty array to store page numbers associated with words
$page = array();

// Continuously read lines from standard input until there are no more lines
while($line = fgets(STDIN)){
    // Extract word and page number from the line
    list($a, $b) = explode(" ", trim($line));

    // Check if the word is already in the array, if not, initialize an empty array for it
        $page[$a] = array();

    // Add the page number to the array associated with the word
    $page[$a][] = $b;

// Sort the array based on the keys (words)

// Display a message indicating the output format
echo "The word and a list of the corresponding page numbers:\n";

// Iterate through each word and associated array of page numbers
foreach($page as $word => $arr){
    // Sort the array of page numbers in ascending order
    sort($arr, SORT_NUMERIC);

    // Display the word followed by a newline
    echo $word."\n";

    // Display the sorted list of page numbers separated by spaces followed by a newline
    echo implode($arr, " ")."\n";


Sample Input:
apple 5
banana 6

Sample Output:

The word and a list of the corresponding page numbers:


Flowchart: Reads a list of pairs of a word and a page number, and prints the word and a list of the corresponding page numbers.

PHP Code Editor:

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Previous: Write a PHP program which adds up columns and rows of given table as shown in the specified figure
Next: Write a PHP program to create a function that returns true for all elements of an array, false otherwise.

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