Python: Compute the digit number of sum of two given integers
Sum Digit Count
Write a Python program to compute the digit number of the sum of two given integers.
Each test case consists of two non-negative integers x and y which are separated by a space in a line.
0 ≤ x, y ≤ 1,000,000
Visual Presentation:

Sample Solution:
Python Code:
# Print statement to prompt the user to input two integers
print("Input two integers(a b): ")
# Using map and split to take two space-separated integers as input, then converting them to integers
a, b = map(int, input().split(" "))
# Print statement to display the number of digits in the sum of a and b
print("Number of digits of a and b:")
# Using len and str functions to find and print the length (number of digits) of the sum of a and b
print(len(str(a + b)))
Sample Output:
Input two integers(a b): 5 7 Number of digit of a and b.: 2
Here is the breakdown of the above Python exercise:
- Print Statement: Prompts the user to input two integers.
- Input Processing: Takes user input, expecting two space-separated integers, and converts them to integers.
- Print Statement: Indicates that it will print the number of digits in the sum of a and b.
- Calculating and Printing Digits: Converts the sum of a and b to a string, then calculates and prints the length (number of digits) of the resulting string.

Python Code Editor:
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