
Python Program: Compress and decompress bytes using zlib

Python Bytes and Byte Arrays Data Type: Exercise-8 with Solution

Write a Python program to compress and decompress a bytes sequence using zlib.

Sample Solution:


import zlib

def compress_bytes(byte_obj):
    compressed_bytes = zlib.compress(byte_obj)
    return compressed_bytes

def decompress_bytes(compressed_byte_obj):
    decompressed_bytes = zlib.decompress(compressed_byte_obj)
    return decompressed_bytes

def main():
        original_string = b"Python Exercises."

        compressed_string = compress_bytes(original_string)
        decompressed_string = decompress_bytes(compressed_string)

        print("Original Bytes:", original_string)
        print("\nCompressed Bytes:", compressed_string)
        print("\nDecompressed Bytes:", decompressed_string)
        print("\nDecompressed String:", decompressed_string.decode("utf-8"))
    except Exception as e:
        print("An error occurred:", e)

if __name__ == "__main__":


Original Bytes: b'Python Exercises.'
Compressed Bytes: b'x\x9c\x0b\xa8,\xc9\xc8\xcfSp\xadH-J\xce,N-\xd6\x03\x00;6\x06|'
Decompressed Bytes: b'Python Exercises.'
Decompressed String: Python Exercises.

In the above exercise the "compress_bytes()" function compresses a bytes sequence using the "zlib.compress()" function. The "decompress_bytes()" function decompresses the compressed bytes using the "zlib.decompress()" function. In the "main()" function, a sample sequence of bytes is compressed, decompressed, and the original, compressed, and decompressed results are printed.


Flowchart: Python Program: Compress and decompress bytes using zlib.

Previous: Check equality of bytes objects.
Next: Search bytes sequence in file

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