
Implementing Retry Mechanism in Python urllib3 for Resilient HTTP Requests

Python urllib3 : Exercise-11 with Solution

Write a Python program that constructs a URL with query parameters and ensures that the URL is encoded correctly.

Sample Solution:

Python Code :

# Import the urllib3 library
import urllib3

# Define the base URL without query parameters
base_url = 'https://example.com/api'

# Define the query parameters as a dictionary
query_params = {
    'param1': 'value1',
    'param2': 'value2',
    'param3': 'special character: $',

# Use the urllib3 urlencode function to encode the query parameters
encoded_params = urllib3.request.urlencode(query_params)

# Combine the base URL and encoded query parameters to form the complete URL
complete_url = f"{base_url}?{encoded_params}"

# Print the complete URL
print(f"Complete URL: {complete_url}")

Sample Output:

Complete URL: https://example.com/api?param1=value1¶m2=value2¶m3=special+character%3A+%24


Here's a brief explanation of the above Python urllib3 library code:

  • Import the urllib3 library: Imports the "urllib3" library, which is a powerful tool for handling HTTP requests in Python.
  • Define the base URL without query parameters: Sets a base URL (e.g., 'https://example.com/api') without any query parameters. This is the starting point for constructing the complete URL.
  • Define the query parameters as a dictionary: Create a dictionary (query_params) with key-value pairs representing the query parameters that will be appended to the base URL.
  • Use the urllib3 urlencode function to encode the query parameters: Utilize the urllib3.request.urlencode function to encode the dictionary of query parameters into a URL-encoded string. This step ensures that special characters are properly handled.
  • Combine the base URL and encoded query parameters to form the complete URL: Concatenates the base URL and the encoded query parameters using the f"{base_url}?{encoded_params}" syntax. This creates a complete URL with the specified query parameters.
  • Print the complete URL: Outputs the generated complete URL to the console for verification purposes.


Flowchart: Constructing URLs with Python urllib3: Query Parameter Encoding Explained.

Python Code Editor :

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Next: Logging HTTP Requests in Python urllib3: Understanding Request Hooks.

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