
JavaScript: Compute the sum of the two given integers

JavaScript Basic: Exercise-39 with Solution

Write a JavaScript program to compute the sum of the two given integers. If the sum is in the range 50..80 return 65 otherwise return 80.

Visual Presentation:

JavaScript: Compute the sum of the two given integers

Sample Solution:

JavaScript Code:

// Define a function named sortaSum with parameters x and y
function sortaSum(x, y) 
  // Calculate the sum of x and y and store it in the variable sum_nums
  const sum_nums = x + y;

  // Check if the sum_nums is between 50 and 80 (inclusive)
  if (sum_nums >= 50 && sum_nums <= 80) {
    // If true, return 65
    return 65;

  // If the condition is not met, return 80
  return 80;

// Log the result of calling sortaSum with the arguments 30 and 20 to the console
console.log(sortaSum(30, 20));

// Log the result of calling sortaSum with the arguments 90 and 80 to the console
console.log(sortaSum(90, 80)); 



Live Demo:

See the Pen JavaScript: compute the sum of the two given integers - basic-ex-39 by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.


Flowchart: JavaScript - Compute the sum of the two given integers

ES6 Version:

// Define a function named sortaSum using arrow function syntax with parameters x and y
const sortaSum = (x, y) => {
  // Calculate the sum of x and y
  const sum_nums = x + y;

  // Check if the sum is between 50 and 80 (inclusive)
  if (sum_nums >= 50 && sum_nums <= 80) {
    // Return 65 if the condition is true
    return 65;

  // Return 80 if the condition is false
  return 80;

// Log the result of calling sortaSum with the arguments 30 and 20 to the console
console.log(sortaSum(30, 20));

// Log the result of calling sortaSum with the arguments 90 and 80 to the console
console.log(sortaSum(90, 80));
Previous: JavaScript program to check the total marks of a student in various examinations.
Next: JavaScript program to check from two given integers if either one is 8 or their sum or difference is 8.

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