
PostgreSQL LOCALTIMESTAMP() function


The PostgreSQL LOCALTIMESTAMP() function is used to get the current date and time at the start of the current transaction.

Uses of LOCALTIMESTAMP() Function
  • Retrieve the current date and time without a time zone.

  • Obtain a consistent timestamp for the duration of the current transaction.

  • Useful in logging and auditing to capture the exact time a transaction started.



Return Type: timestamp

PostgreSQL Version: 9.3

Pictorial Presentation of PostgreSQL LOCALTIMESTAMP() function

Pictorial presentation of PostgreSQL LOCALTIMESTAMP() function

Example: PostgreSQL LOCALTIMESTAMP() function

SELECT localtimestamp;

Sample Output:

 2015-01-15 14:02:56.925
(1 row)

N.B. - The outputs may change during the execution for the current date and time.

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