C++ String Exercises: Change every letter in a string with the next one
Write a C++ program to change every letter in a given string with the letter following it in the alphabet (i.e. a becomes b, p becomes q, z becomes a).
Visual Presentation:

Sample Solution:
C++ Code :
#include <iostream> // Including input/output stream library
#include <string> // Including string library for string manipulation
using namespace std; // Using the standard namespace
// Function to change characters in a string to the next character in the ASCII sequence
string change_letter(string str) {
int char_code; // Variable to store ASCII value of characters
// Loop through each character in the string
for (int x = 0; x < str.length(); x++)
char_code = int(str[x]); // Get ASCII value of the character
// Check if the character is 'z', then change it to 'a'
if (char_code == 122)
str[x] = char(97);
// Check if the character is 'Z', then change it to 'A'
else if (char_code == 90)
str[x] = char(65);
// Check if the character is an uppercase or lowercase letter
else if (char_code >= 65 && char_code <= 90 || char_code >= 97 && char_code <= 122)
str[x] = char(char_code + 1); // Change to the next character in the ASCII sequence
return str; // Return the modified string
int main()
cout << "Original string: w3resource"; // Displaying the original string
cout << "\nNew string: " << change_letter("w3resource"); // Displaying the modified string
cout << "\n\nOriginal string: Python"; // Displaying the original string
cout << "\nNew string: " << change_letter("Python"); // Displaying the modified string
return 0; // Returning 0 to indicate successful execution
Sample Output:
Original string: w3resource New string: x3sftpvsdf Original string: Python New string: Qzuipo

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