
C#: Find the middle character(s) of a given string

C# Sharp String: Exercise-49 with Solution

Write a C# Sharp program to find the central character(s) in a given string. Return the middle character if the string length is odd and return two middle characters if the string length is even.

Sample Solution:-

C# Sharp Code:

using System;
using System.Linq;

namespace exercises
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Define different input strings and display their middle character(s)
            string text = "Python";
            Console.WriteLine("Original string: " + text);
            Console.WriteLine("Middle character(s) of the said string: " + test(text));

            text = "PHP";
            Console.WriteLine("\nOriginal string: " + text);
            Console.WriteLine("Middle character(s) of the said string: " + test(text));

            text = "C#";
            Console.WriteLine("\nOriginal string: " + text);
            Console.WriteLine("Middle character(s) of the said string: " + test(text));

        // Method to retrieve the middle character(s) of the input string
        public static string test(string text)
            // Calculate the length to extract the middle character(s)
            int l = 1 - text.Length % 2;

            // Using Substring to get the middle character(s) of the string
            // If the string length is odd, returns a single character at the middle position
            // If the string length is even, returns the two characters at the middle positions
            return text.Substring(text.Length / 2 - l, 1 + l);

Sample Output:

Original string: Python
Middle character(s) of the said string: th

Original string: PHP
Middle character(s) of the said string: H

Original string: C#
Middle character(s) of the said string: C#

Flowchart :

Flowchart: C# Sharp Exercises - Find the middle character(s) of a given string.

C# Sharp Code Editor:

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Previous: Write a C# Sharp program to reverse the case (upper->lower, lower->upper) of all the characters of given string.
Next: Write a C# Sharp program to find the maximum and minimum number from a given string of numbers separated by single space.

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