
Kotlin Control Flow: Exercises, Practice, Solution

Kotlin Control Flow Exercises [ 10 exercises with solution ]

[An editor is available at the bottom of the page to write and execute the scripts.  Go to the editor]

1. Write a Kotlin program to check if a given number is positive, negative, or zero.

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2. Write a Kotlin program to check if a given number is divisible by 7.

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3. Write a Kotlin program to check if a given character is a vowel or a consonant.

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4. Write a Kotlin program to print the first 10 natural numbers.

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5. Write a Kotlin program to print the Pascal's triangle of a given number of rows.

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6. Write a Kotlin program to print the Fibonacci series up to a given number.

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7. Write a Kotlin program to calculate the sum of all numbers between two given numbers.

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8. Write a Kotlin program to generate the multiplication table of a given number.

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9. Write a Kotlin program to count the number of even and odd elements in an array.

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10. Write a Kotlin program to find the GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of two numbers.

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More to Come !

* To run the code mouse over on Result panel and click on 'RERUN' button.*

Kotlin Editor:

Do not submit any solution of the above exercises at here, if you want to contribute go to the appropriate exercise page.

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