
Python: Count the number of equal numbers from three given integers

Python Basic - 1: Exercise-86 with Solution

Write a Python program to count the number of equal numbers from three given integers.

Sample Solution:

Python Code:

# Define a function named test_three_equal that takes three arguments: x, y, and z.
def test_three_equal(x, y, z):
    # Create a set containing the unique values of x, y, and z.
    result = set([x, y, z])

    # Check if the length of the set is equal to 3.
    if len(result) == 3:
        # If the set contains three unique values, return 0.
        return 0
        # If the set does not contain three unique values, return the difference between 4 and the set length.
        return (4 - len(result))

# Test the function with different sets of values and print the results.
print(test_three_equal(1, 1, 1))    
print(test_three_equal(1, 2, 2))    
print(test_three_equal(-1, -2, -3)) 
print(test_three_equal(-1, -1, -1))

Sample Output:



Here is a breakdown of the above Python code:

  • Function Definition:
    • The code defines a function named "test_three_equal()" that takes three arguments: 'x', 'y', and 'z'.
  • Create a Set:
    • Inside the function, a set named 'result' is created using the "set()" function, containing the unique values of 'x', 'y', and 'z'.
  • Conditional Check:
    • The code checks if the length of the set (len(result)) is equal to 3.
  • Return Statements:
    • If the set contains three unique values, the function returns 0.
    • If the set does not contain three unique values, the function returns the difference between 4 and the set length ((4 - len(result))).

Pictorial Presentation:

Python: Count the number of equal numbers from three given integers.
Python: Count the number of equal numbers from three given integers.


Flowchart: Python - Count the number of equal numbers from three given integers.

Python Code Editor:

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Previous: Write a Python program to check whether a given string is an "isogram" or not.
Next: Write a Python program to check whether a given employee code is exactly 8 digits or 12 digits.

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