
Rust Variables and Data Types Exercises with Solutions and Explanations

Rust Variables and Data Types Exercises [10 exercises with solution and Explanation]

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1. Write a Rust program that declares a variable birth_year and calculates the age based on the current year and the user's birth year.

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2. Write a Rust function that calculates the circumference of a circle using the constant PI and a given diameter.

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3. Write a Rust function that accepts a mutable reference to a counter variable and increments it by a specified amount.

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4. Write a Rust program that declares a boolean variable is_sunny and sets it to true if it's sunny and false otherwise.

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5. Write a Rust program that creates an integer variable temp and assign it a temperature value in Celsius. Convert it to Fahrenheit and print the result.

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6. Write a Rust program that defines a string variable name and assigns it your name. Print a greeting message using the name variable.

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7. Write a Rust program that defines a tuple of coordinates representing latitude and longitude. Print each tuple element separately.

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8. Write a Rust program that creates an array of numbers containing 5 integers. Iterate over the array and print each element.

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9. Write a Rust program that defines a character variable and assigns it the first letter of your first name.

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10. Write a Rust program that creates a vector of items containing different types of items. Print each item in the vector.

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