
TypeScript Modules and Namespaces - Exercises and Solutions

TypeScript Modules and Namespaces [9 exercises with solution]

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These exercises will help you practice using the TypeScript module system for organizing and sharing code in your applications and TypeScript namespaces, including basic namespaces, nested namespaces, splitting into files, exporting namespace content, and understanding declaration merging.

Module System (import/export):

1. Write a TypeScript module that exports two functions, add and subtract. add should accept two numbers and return their sum, while subtract should accept two numbers and return their difference. Import and use these functions in a separate TypeScript file to perform addition and subtraction operations.
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2. Write a TypeScript module that exports a class called Student with properties name and age. Import the Student class in another TypeScript file, create instances of Student, and display their information.  
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3. Write a TypeScript module that exports multiple functions and variables using named exports. Import specific named exports in a separate TypeScript file and use them.  
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4. Write a TypeScript module that exports a default function or class. Import the default export into another TypeScript file and use it to perform a task or create an instance. 
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5. Write two TypeScript modules that import from each other, creating a circular dependency. Show how TypeScript handles circular dependencies and uses the imported functions or classes.  
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Namespace Declarations:

6. Write a TypeScript namespace called MathUtility that contains functions for basic mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Write the functions inside the namespace and use them to perform operations.  
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7. Create a TypeScript namespace called Geometry and nest two sub-namespaces within it: Shapes and Utilities. Define classes for different geometric shapes (e.g., Circle, Rectangle) inside the Shapes namespace and utility functions (e.g., calculateArea, calculatePerimeter) inside the Utilities namespace. Demonstrate how to access these namespaces and use their contents.  
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8. Write a TypeScript namespace called Logger that contains a function logMessage. Export the Logger namespace and import it into a different TypeScript file to use the logMessage function for logging messages.  
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Error Propagation:

9. Write a TypeScript namespace called "UI" and declare an interface Button and a function createButton within it. In a separate TypeScript file, declare another interface Button and a function createButton within the same UI namespace. Show how TypeScript merges these declarations and allows you to access both sets of declarations in your code.  
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More to Come !

TypeScript Editor

See the Pen TypeScript by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.

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