
MySQL less than operator

less than operator

MySQL less than operator checks whether an expression is less than the other.



MySQL Version: 8.0

Example: MySQL less than operator(<)

The following MySQL statement will fetch those publishers from the publisher table that has less than 8 branch offices.

Sample table: publisher


-- Select the columns pub_name, country, pub_city, and no_of_branch from the publisher table
SELECT pub_name, country, pub_city, no_of_branch
-- From the table named publisher
FROM publisher
-- Filter the results to include only those rows where no_of_branch is less than 8
WHERE no_of_branch < 8;


  • SELECT pub_name, country, pub_city, no_of_branch:

    • This line specifies the columns to be retrieved from the database.

    • pub_name: Name of the publisher.

    • country: Country where the publisher is located.

    • pub_city: City where the publisher is located.

    • no_of_branch: Number of branches the publisher has.

  • FROM publisher:

    • This line indicates the table from which the data should be retrieved.

    • publisher: The name of the table in the database.

  • WHERE no_of_branch < 8:

    • This line filters the results to include only those publishers that have fewer than 8 branches.

    • no_of_branch < 8: A condition that ensures only rows where the number of branches is less than 8 are selected.


mysql> SELECT pub_name,country,pub_city,no_of_branch 
    -> FROM publisher
    -> WHERE no_of_branch<8;
| pub_name                     | country   | pub_city  | no_of_branch |
| New Harrold Publication      | Australia | Adelaide  |            6 | 
| Pieterson Grp. of Publishers | UK        | Cambridge |            6 | 
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

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Relational Algebra Expression: MySQL less than operator.

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Relational Algebra Tree: MySQL less than operator.

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