
Oracle NEW_TIME function

Generates a new date based on a given date and time zone and an input time zone in Oracle

The Oracle NEW_TIME() function is used to convert a given date from one time zone to another. It allows users to adjust a date and time value from an original time zone to a new time zone.

Uses of Oracle NEW_TIME() Function:
  • Converting a date between two time zones: Change a date and time value from one specified time zone to another.

  • Handling time zone conversions for scheduling: Adjust time-sensitive data for different regions in applications dealing with global users.

  • Facilitating cross-time zone reporting: Generate reports based on different time zones by converting timestamps accordingly.

  • Managing global date operations: Simplify operations that require coordinating times across various time zones.

  • Supporting daylight saving adjustments: Convert times taking into account standard and daylight time variations between regions.


NEW_TIME(date, timezone1, timezone2)


Name Description
date Specified date.
timezone1 Original timezone.
timezone2 New timezone.

The arguments timezone1 and timezone2 can be any of these text strings:

Value Description
AST Atlantic Standard Time
ADT Atlantic Daylight Time
BST Bering Standard Time
BDT Bering Daylight Time
CST Central Standard Time
CDT Central Daylight Time
EST Eastern Standard Time
EDT Eastern Daylight Time
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
HST Alaska-Hawaii Standard Time
HDT Alaska-Hawaii Daylight Time
MST Mountain Standard Time
MDT Mountain Daylight Time
NST Newfoundland Standard Time
PST Pacific Standard Time
PDT Pacific Daylight Time
YST Yukon Standard Time
YDT Yukon Daylight Time

Pictorial Presentation

Pictorial Presentation of Oracle NEW_TIME function

Examples: Oracle NEW_TIME() function

The following example returns a Central Standard Time, given the Pacific Standard time equivalent :

  2     'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS';
Session altered.
  2     '03-04-2015 03:25:45', 'MM-DD-YY HH24:MI:SS'),
  3     'CST', 'PST') "New Date and Time" FROM DUAL;  

Sample Output:

New Date and Time
  04-MAR-2015 01:25:45


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