
C div() function

C div() function - Calculate quotient and remainder

The div() function is used to calculate the quotient and remainder of the division of numerator by denominator.

Syntax div() function

div_t div(int numer, int denom)

Parameters div() function

Name Description Required /Optional
numer The numerator. Required
denom The denominator. Required

Return value from div() function

  • A structure of type div_t, containing both the quotient int quot and the remainder integer rem.
  • If the return value cannot be represented, its value is undefined.
  • If denominator is 0, an exception will be raised.

Example: div() function

The following example shows the usage of div() function.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
   int nums[4] = {6,56,-34,-45};
   int den[4] = {5,7,3,-7};
   div_t ans;   /* div_t is a struct type contain two ints:
                'quot' stores quotient; 'rem' stores remainder*/
   short i,j;
   printf("Results of division:\n");
   for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
         ans = div(nums[i],den[j]);
         printf("Dividend: %6d  Divisor: %6d", nums[i], den[j]);
         printf("  Quotient: %6d  Remainder: %6d\n", ans.quot, ans.rem);


Results of division:
Dividend:      6  Divisor:      5  Quotient:      1  Remainder:      1
Dividend:      6  Divisor:      7  Quotient:      0  Remainder:      6
Dividend:      6  Divisor:      3  Quotient:      2  Remainder:      0
Dividend:      6  Divisor:     -7  Quotient:      0  Remainder:      6
Dividend:     56  Divisor:      5  Quotient:     11  Remainder:      1
Dividend:     56  Divisor:      7  Quotient:      8  Remainder:      0
Dividend:     56  Divisor:      3  Quotient:     18  Remainder:      2
Dividend:     56  Divisor:     -7  Quotient:     -8  Remainder:      0
Dividend:    -34  Divisor:      5  Quotient:     -6  Remainder:     -4
Dividend:    -34  Divisor:      7  Quotient:     -4  Remainder:     -6
Dividend:    -34  Divisor:      3  Quotient:    -11  Remainder:     -1
Dividend:    -34  Divisor:     -7  Quotient:      4  Remainder:     -6
Dividend:    -45  Divisor:      5  Quotient:     -9  Remainder:      0
Dividend:    -45  Divisor:      7  Quotient:     -6  Remainder:     -3
Dividend:    -45  Divisor:      3  Quotient:    -15  Remainder:      0
Dividend:    -45  Divisor:     -7  Quotient:      6  Remainder:     -3

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