
C <ctype.h>

The ctype.h header file declares functions used in character classification. The ctype.h header file declares the following functions.

A complete table of ctype Lybrary:

Name Description
isalnum() function Test for an alphanumeric character.
isalpha() function Test for an alphabetic character.
iscntrl() function Test for a control character.
isdigit() function Test for a decimal digit.
isgraph() function Test for a visible character.
islower() function Test for a lowercase letter.
isprint() function Test for a printable character.
ispunct() function Test for a punctuation character.
isspace() function Test for a white-space character.
isupper() function Test for an uppercase letter.
isxdigit() function Test for a hexadecimal digit.
tolower() function Transliterate uppercase characters to lowercase.
toupper()function Transliterate lowercase characters to uppercase.

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