

GROUP BY clause

The usage of SQL GROUP BY clause is, to divide the rows in a table into smaller groups.

The GROUP BY clause is used with the SQL SELECT statement.

The grouping can happen after retrieves the rows from a table.

When some rows are retrieved from a grouped result against some condition, that is possible with HAVING clause.

The GROUP BY clause is used with the SELECT statement to make a group of rows based on the values of a specific column or expression. The SQL AGGREGATE function can be used to get summary information for every group and these are applied to an individual group.

The WHERE clause is used to retrieve rows based on a certain condition, but it can not be applied to grouped result.

In an SQL statement, suppose you are using GROUP BY, if required you can use HAVING instead of WHERE, after GROUP BY.


SELECT <column_list> 
FROM < table name >
WHERE <condition>GROUP BY <columns> 
[HAVING] <condition>;


Name Description
table_name Name of the table.
column_list Name of the columns of the table.
columns Name of the columns which will participate in grouping..

Pictorial Presentation of Groups of Data

SQL Groups of Data

Some important questions related to the SQL GROUP BY clause:

What is the purpose of the SQL GROUP BY clause?

  • The GROUP BY clause is used to group rows that have the same values into summary rows, such as finding the total sales for each product category.

  • Can you use multiple columns in the GROUP BY clause?

  • Yes, you can group rows by multiple columns by listing them in the GROUP BY clause. This allows for more detailed grouping and analysis.

  • What is the difference between WHERE and HAVING clauses when used with GROUP BY?

  • The WHERE clause filters rows before grouping, while the HAVING clause filters groups after grouping. HAVING is used with aggregate functions to filter groups based on specific conditions.

  • Can you sort the result set using columns that are not included in the GROUP BY clause?

  • It depends on the database system. Some systems allow sorting by non-grouped columns, while others require all selected columns to be included in the GROUP BY clause.

  • What happens if you use a column in the SELECT list that is not included in the GROUP BY clause?

  • It depends on the database system. In some systems, it throws an error, while in others, it executes the query but might return unexpected results.

  • Can you use aliases in the GROUP BY clause?

  • Some database systems allow using aliases in the GROUP BY clause, typically if they are defined in the same SELECT statement. However, it's best practice to use the actual column names.

  • What is the order of execution for clauses in a SQL query with GROUP BY?

  • The order of execution is: FROM -> WHERE -> GROUP BY -> HAVING -> SELECT -> ORDER BY. This means that grouping occurs before selecting and filtering, and after joining tables and applying conditions.

  • How do you include aggregated values in the result set along with grouped columns?

  • You can include aggregated values in the SELECT list along with grouped columns. However, if an aggregate function is used without the GROUP BY clause, it operates on the entire result set.

  • Can you use aggregate functions without the GROUP BY clause?

  • Yes, you can use aggregate functions like SUM(), COUNT(), AVG(), etc., without the GROUP BY clause. In such cases, the aggregate function operates on the entire result set.

  • What are some common mistakes to avoid when using the GROUP BY clause?

  • Forgetting to include all non-aggregated columns in the GROUP BY clause, misusing the HAVING clause, and misunderstanding the order of execution of clauses in a SQL query are some common mistakes to avoid when using the GROUP BY clause.
  • Using GROUP BY with Aggregate Functions

    - The power of aggregate functions is greater when combined with the GROUP BY clause.
    - The GROUP BY clause is rarely used without an aggregate function.

    SQL GROUP BY with COUNT() function

    The following query displays number of employees work in each department.

    Sample table: employees

    SQL Code:

    -- This SQL query calculates the number of employees in each department and displays the department code along with the count.
    -- SELECT statement begins
        department_id "Department Code", -- Selects the 'department_id' column and renames it as 'Department Code' in the result set
        COUNT(*) "No of Employees" -- Counts the number of rows for each department and renames the result column as 'No of Employees'
        employees -- Specifies the 'employees' table to retrieve data from
        department_id; -- Groups the result set by the 'department_id' column


    • This SQL code is a SELECT statement that retrieves data from the 'employees' table.

    • It calculates the number of employees in each department and displays the department code along with the count.

    • The SELECT clause selects the 'department_id' column from the 'employees' table and renames it as 'Department Code' in the result set.

    • The COUNT(*) function counts the number of rows for each department.

    • The result column from the COUNT(*) function is renamed as 'No of Employees'.

    • The GROUP BY clause groups the result set by the 'department_id' column, ensuring that the count is calculated for each unique department.

    • The query does not filter or manipulate the data further; it simply retrieves the department code and the count of employees for each department from the 'employees' table.

    Sample Output:

    Department Code No of Employees
    --------------- ---------------
                100               6
                 30               6
                 90               3
                 20               2
                 70               1
                110               2
                 50              45
                 80              34
                 40               1
                 60               5
                 10               1

    SQL GROUP BY with SUM() function

    The following query displays total salary paid to employees work in each department.

    Sample table: employees

    SQL Code:

    -- This SQL query calculates the total salary for each department and displays the department ID along with the sum of salaries.
    -- SELECT statement begins
        department_id, -- Selects the 'department_id' column
        SUM(salary) -- Calculates the sum of salaries for each department
        employees -- Specifies the 'employees' table to retrieve data from
        department_id; -- Groups the result set by the 'department_id' column


    • This SQL code is a SELECT statement that retrieves data from the 'employees' table.

    • It calculates the total salary for each department and displays the department ID along with the sum of salaries.

    • The SELECT clause selects the 'department_id' column from the 'employees' table.

    • The SUM(salary) function calculates the sum of salaries for each department.

    • The GROUP BY clause groups the result set by the 'department_id' column, ensuring that the sum is calculated for each unique department.

    • The query does not filter or manipulate the data further; it simply retrieves the department ID and the sum of salaries for each department from the 'employees' table.

    Relational Algebra Expression:

    Relational Algebra Expression: SQL GROUP BY with SUM() function.

    Relational Algebra Tree:

    Relational Algebra Tree: SQL GROUP BY with SUM() function.

    Sample Output:

    ------------- -----------
              100       51608
               30       24900
               90       58000
               20       19000
               70       10000
              110       20308
               50      156400
               80      304500
               40        6500
               60       28800
               10        4400

    SQL GROUP BY with COUNT() and SUM() function

    The following query displays number of employees, total salary paid to employees work in each department.

    Sample table: employees

    SQL Code:

    -- This SQL query calculates the number of employees, total salary, and displays the department code for each department.
    -- SELECT statement begins
        department_id "Department Code", -- Selects the 'department_id' column and renames it as 'Department Code' in the result set
        COUNT(*) "No of Employees", -- Counts the number of rows for each department and renames the result column as 'No of Employees'
        SUM(salary) "Total Salary" -- Calculates the sum of salaries for each department and renames the result column as 'Total Salary'
        employees -- Specifies the 'employees' table to retrieve data from
        department_id; -- Groups the result set by the 'department_id' column


    • This SQL code is a SELECT statement that retrieves data from the 'employees' table.

    • It calculates the number of employees, total salary, and displays the department code for each department.

    • The SELECT clause selects the 'department_id' column from the 'employees' table and renames it as 'Department Code' in the result set.

    • The COUNT(*) function counts the number of rows for each department and renames the result column as 'No of Employees'.

    • The SUM(salary) function calculates the sum of salaries for each department and renames the result column as 'Total Salary'.

    • The GROUP BY clause groups the result set by the 'department_id' column, ensuring that calculations are performed for each unique department.

    • The query does not filter or manipulate the data further; it simply retrieves the department code, the number of employees, and the total salary for each department from the 'employees' table.

    Sample Output:

    Department Code No of Employees Total Salary
    --------------- --------------- ------------
                100               6        51608
                 30               6        24900
                                  1         7000
                 90               3        58000
                 20               2        19000
                 70               1        10000
                110               2        20308
                 50              45       156400
                 80              34       304500
                 40               1         6500
                 60               5        28800
                 10               1         4400

    SQL GROUP BY on more than one columns

    The following query displays the department code, job id, total salary paid to employees group by department_id, job_id.

    Sample table: employees

    SQL Code:

    -- This SQL query calculates the total salary for each combination of department and job, and displays the department code, job ID, and total salary.
    -- SELECT statement begins
        department_id "Department Code", -- Selects the 'department_id' column and renames it as 'Department Code' in the result set
        job_id, -- Selects the 'job_id' column
        SUM(salary) "Total Salary" -- Calculates the sum of salaries for each combination of department and job, and renames the result column as 'Total Salary'
        employees -- Specifies the 'employees' table to retrieve data from
        department_id, -- Groups the result set by the 'department_id' column
        job_id; -- Groups the result set further by the 'job_id' column


    • This SQL code is a SELECT statement that retrieves data from the 'employees' table.

    • It calculates the total salary for each combination of department and job and displays the department code, job ID, and total salary.

    • The SELECT clause selects the 'department_id' column from the 'employees' table and renames it as 'Department Code' in the result set.

    • It also selects the 'job_id' column to display the job ID in the result set.

    • The SUM(salary) function calculates the sum of salaries for each combination of department and job.

    • The GROUP BY clause groups the result set first by the 'department_id' column and then further by the 'job_id' column, ensuring that calculations are performed for each unique combination.

    • The query retrieves the department code, job ID, and total salary for each combination of department and job from the 'employees' table.

    Sample Output:

    Department Code JOB_ID     Total Salary
    --------------- ---------- ------------
                110 AC_ACCOUNT         8300
                 90 AD_VP             34000
                 50 ST_CLERK          55700
                 80 SA_REP           243500
                 50 ST_MAN            36400
                 80 SA_MAN            61000
                110 AC_MGR            12008
                 90 AD_PRES           24000
                 60 IT_PROG           28800
                100 FI_MGR            12008
                 30 PU_CLERK          13900
                 50 SH_CLERK          64300
                 20 MK_MAN            13000
                100 FI_ACCOUNT        39600
                    SA_REP             7000
                 70 PR_REP            10000
                 30 PU_MAN            11000
                 10 AD_ASST            4400
                 20 MK_REP             6000
                 40 HR_REP             6500

    SQL GROUP BY with WHERE clause

    The following query displays the department code, total salary paid to employees group by department_id and manager_id=103.

    Sample table: employees

    SQL Code:

    -- This SQL query calculates the total salary for each department where the manager ID is 103, and displays the department code and total salary.
    -- SELECT statement begins
        department_id "Department Code", -- Selects the 'department_id' column and renames it as 'Department Code' in the result set
        SUM(salary) "Total Salary" -- Calculates the sum of salaries for each department where the manager ID is 103, and renames the result column as 'Total Salary'
        employees -- Specifies the 'employees' table to retrieve data from
        MANAGER_ID = 103 -- Filters the rows where the manager ID is 103
        department_id; -- Groups the result set by the 'department_id' column


    • This SQL code is a SELECT statement that retrieves data from the 'employees' table.

    • It calculates the total salary for each department where the manager ID is 103 and displays the department code and total salary.

    • The SELECT clause selects the 'department_id' column from the 'employees' table and renames it as 'Department Code' in the result set.

    • The SUM(salary) function calculates the sum of salaries for each department where the manager ID is 103.

    • The WHERE clause filters the rows where the manager ID is 103.

    • The GROUP BY clause groups the result set by the 'department_id' column, ensuring that calculations are performed for each unique department.

    • The query retrieves the department code and total salary for each department where the manager ID is 103 from the 'employees' table.

    Sample Output:

    Department Code Total Salary
    --------------- ------------
                 60        19800

    SQL GROUP BY with HAVING clause

    The following query displays the department id, number of employees of those groups that have more than 2 employees:

    Sample table: employees

    SQL Code:

    -- This SQL query counts the number of employees in each department and displays the department ID along with the count, 
    -- but only for departments with more than two employees.
    -- SELECT statement begins
        department_id, -- Selects the 'department_id' column
        count(*) "No. of Employee" -- Counts the number of rows for each department and renames the result column as 'No. of Employee'
        employees -- Specifies the 'employees' table to retrieve data from
        department_id -- Groups the result set by the 'department_id' column
        count(*) > 2; -- Filters the grouped results to include only departments with more than two employees


    • This SQL code is a SELECT statement that retrieves data from the 'employees' table.

    • It counts the number of employees in each department and displays the department ID along with the count.

    • The SELECT clause selects the 'department_id' column from the 'employees' table.

    • The count(*) function counts the number of rows for each department.

    • The GROUP BY clause groups the result set by the 'department_id' column, ensuring that calculations are performed for each unique department.

    • The HAVING clause filters the grouped results to include only departments with more than two employees.

    • The query retrieves the department ID and the count of employees for each department from the 'employees' table, but only for departments with more than two employees.

    Sample Output:

    DEPARTMENT_ID No. of Employee
    ------------- ---------------
              100               6
               30               6
               90               3
               50              45
               80              34
               60               5

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