
C Programming Exercises, Practice, Solution : Date Time

C Date Time [10 exercises with solution]

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1. Write a program in C to print the current date and time.

Expected Output :

The Current date and time is : Thu Aug 03 13:38:58 2017

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2. Write a program in C to compute the number of seconds passed since the beginning of the month.

Expected Output :

 222084 seconds passed since the beginning of the month.

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3. Write a program in C to convert a time_t object to a textual representation.

Expected Output :

Thu Aug 03 13:44:49 2017

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4. Write a program in C to convert a tm object to a custom textual representation.

Expected Output :

 The textual representation of specified date and time :                                                                      
September Sun Sep  2 16:30:32 2016 pm                                                                                         
September Sun Sep  2 16:30:32 2016 pm 

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5. Write a program in C to convert a tm object to a custom wide string textual representation.

Expected Output :

 The textual representation of specified date and time :

Sunday 09/02/16 17:51:10
Sunday 09/02/16 17:51:10

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6. Write a program in C to convert a time_t object to calendar time expressed as Coordinated Universal Time.

Expected Output :

The calendar time expressed as Coordinated Universal Time is :
UTC:   Thu Aug 03 10:53:03 2017
local: Thu Aug 03 16:23:03 2017

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7. Write a program in C to convert a time_t object to calendar time expressed as local time.

Expected Output :

The calendar time expressed as a local Time is :
UTC:   Thu Aug 03 11:15:59 2017
local: Thu Aug 03 16:45:59 2017

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8. Write a program in C to print the date and time before 24 months.

Expected Output :

Today is :          Thu Aug  3 17:27:16 2017                                                                                  
(DST is not in effect)                                                                                                        
24 months ago the date was : Mon Aug  3 17:27:16 2015                                                                         
(DST was not in effect)

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9. Write a program in C to show the first of calendar time.

Expected Output :

Sun Jan 01 00:00:00 1900

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10. Write a program in C to show the start of the epoch.
Note : epoch means the beginning of a period in the history of someone.

Expected Output :

0 seconds since the epoch began
Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970

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