
Excel Formulas - Count number of cells that contain positive or negative numbers

Count number of cells containing negative numbers

Count no. of cells containing negative numbers

Syntax of used function(s)

COUNTIF(criteria_range, criteria)

The COUNTIF function is used to count the number of cells that meet a certain criteria.


To count number of negative numbers within a range of cells the COUNTIF function can be used.



How this formula works

In the above example the COUNTIF function search for negative number within the range assigned by the name Testdate and counts if matches.
A criteria variable have been used in this example.

Count number of cells that contain positive numbers

Count no. of cells that  contain positive numbers


To count number of positive numbers within a range of cells the COUNTIF function can be used.



How this formula works

In the above example the COUNTIF function search for positive number within the range assigned by the name Testdate and counts if matches.
A criteria variable D8 have been used in this example.

Count number of cells that contain the numbers above -60

Count no. of cells that  contain the numbers above -60



How this formula works

In the above example the COUNTIF function search for numbers is greater than -60 within the range and counts if matches.
Here D8 is the criteria variable contain the criterai >-60.

Count number of cells that contain positive numbers and zero

Count no. of cells that  contain positive numbers and zero



How this formula works

In the above example the COUNTIF function search for numbers is greater than equal to 0 within the range and counts if matches. Here D8 is the criteria variable contain the criterai >=0.

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