
Auction Item Registration Form: Google Form Template

Auction Item Registration Form

If one is organizing an auction, she would find this Auction Item Registration Form super useful. Using this form she may collect detailed contact information of a prospect and details of the auction items.

Description of Auction Item Registration Form

In this form you have supply information for Auction Item Registration.

First section you expects write your name.

Next section expects you to supply your Email address.

Next section expects you to write your Phone number.

Next section expects you to write for your address and mention your street address also.

Next sections you write another details if necessary, about your address write in address line 2.

Next section you write your city name then you write your State or Province or Region name in the other section.

In the section nine your write your Postal or Zip code.

After write your Postal information you write your country name.

In the section ten you provide detailed description of the item.

section eleven name the offering of the item auction.

In section twelve you provide the Estimated value.

Section thirteen you attach a file of your items

The last section you write detailed description about the auction item then click submit.

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