Website Content Survey: Google Form Template
Website Content Survey
The purpose of this form is to collect information to understand your audience better. You may see this is how the form looks :

Description of Website Content Survey Form
This form has eleven sections. First section expects to you supply Now we would like your feedback specifically about the content on our site. How satisfied are you with the content? The option are Satisfied, Very satisfied, Dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied and Neutral. Choose any one of these.
The second section asks to you How likely are you to recommend our site to a friend, family member or colleague?. The option are Somewhat likely, Slightly likely, Very likely, Neutral and Not likely at all. Choose any one of these.
Next section asks to you that Please tell us how our site compares to other sites that provide similar content for each of the items below. If you did not experience that part of our site, please select "N/A.".
Sub sections are
Overall organization/navigation- options are About the same, Better, Much better, Worse, Much worse and N/A. Choose any one of these.
Next section expects your opinion of home page content options are About the same, Better, Much better, Worse, Much worse and N/A. Choose any one.
Next section asks Product information what is your opinion of these options - About the same, Better, Much better, Worse, Much worse and N/A.
Next section expects your opinion ease of finding how to contact us - About the same, Better, Much better, Worse, Much worse and N/A
Next section expects your opinion of downloading information - About the same, Better, Much better, Worse, Much worse and N/A choose any one of these options.
Next section you can choose multiple answer
What prompted your visit to our site today? Please select all that apply.
Option are - Comparison shopping, Interested in purchasing products/services, Looking for contact information, Looking for technical support and Other, please specify.
Next section asks you that how did you find our site? Please select all that apply. Option are.
Recommendation from another person, Link from email our site sent you, link from another Web site, Link from newspaper/magazine/newsletter article
Search engine results and Other, please specify.
Next section asks you how frequently do you visit our site? Option are First Choice, Daily, A few times per week, Once per week, A few times per Once per month nd Less frequently than once per month.
Next section expects you to supply your gender. Please indicate your gender, Male, Female or Other.
Next section please select the category that includes your age. Option are First Choice, Second Choice, Third Choice, 45 - 54, 55 - 64 and 65 or Older. Choose any one of these option.
The next questions are for classification purposes only. They will only be used to group your answers with others like yourself. Check All That Apply. Option are Home, School, Library, Work, Cafe, Mobile phone, Computer tablet (e.g. iPad) and Other, please specify.
Next which one of the following ranges includes your total yearly household income before taxes? Options are First Choice, Second Choice, Third Choice, $100,000 to $149,999, $150,000 to $199,999 and Prefer not to answer.
Previous: Customer Satisfaction Survey: Google Form Template
School Safety Survey Form: Google Form Template
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