
Employee Feedback Form: Google Form Template

Employee Feedback Form

Using this Employee Feedback Form, employers may collect feedback from their employees to make the work environment better.

This form has eight section. First section in this form expects you to select in any option of the following current position. Options are IT, Marketing, Accounting, Sales and Other.

The next section asks What do you like the most about your job?

Next section you to supply What do you like the least about your job?

Next section expects you to choose for indicate your agreement level with the following statements. Statements.

Next section expects you to choose in option for indicate your agreement level with the following statements. Statements are I like my job,I like my coworkers, I like my managers, I am learning skills that will help my career, I am important to the company's overall success.

Next section expects you to choose in option for How satisfied are you with the following aspects of your job?. Options are Salary, Benefits, Management, Growth Opportunities, Overall Satisfaction

Complete mployee Feedback Form and click submit.

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