
PHP: list() function

PHP: Assign variables as if they were an array

The list() function is used to assign values to a list of variables. Like array(), this is not really a function, but a language construct. list() is used to assign a list of variables in one operation.


(PHP 4 and above)


list(varname1, varname2.... varnamen )


Name Description Required /
varname1 The first variable to be assigned Required Mixed*
varname2..n Next variable to be assigned Optional Mixed*

*Mixed : Mixed indicates that a parameter may accept multiple (but not necessarily all) types.

Return value:

The assigned array.

Value Type: Array


$w3r1_array = array("php","javascript","asp");
list($x, $y, $z) = $w3r1_array;
echo "We have covered $x,  $y and $z.";
$w3r2_array = array("php","javascript","asp");
list($x, , $z) = $w3r2_array;
echo "We have covered $x and $z and so many other topics";


We have covered php, javascript and asp.We have covered php and asp and so many other topics

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See also

PHP Function Reference

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