
NumPy: numpy.char.lstrip() function

numpy.char.lstrip() function

The numpy.char.lstrip() function is used to remove leading characters (typically whitespace) from the elements of a string array or a single string.

This function is useful in 'Data cleaning', 'Text processing', 'Data preprocessing' etc.


numpy.char.lstrip(a, chars=None)


Name Description Required /
a Input array. Required
chars Separator to split each string element in a. Optional

Return value:

Output array of str or unicode, depending on input type.

Example: Removing leading whitespaces from a string using NumPy

import numpy as np 
str1 = '   Python NumPy'
print("Original string: ",str1)
print("After leading whitepsace are removed:")


Original string:     Python NumPy
After leading whitepsace are removed:
Python NumPy

In the above example, the numpy.char.lstrip() function is used to demonstrate how to remove leading whitespace characters from a string using NumPy. The 'numpy.char.lstrip()' function is called with the input string str1. This function removes all leading whitespace characters from the input string and returns the modified string.

Pictorial Presentation:

NumPy String operation: lstrip() function

Python - NumPy Code Editor:

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