
Python Data Types: Sets - Exercises, Practice, Solution

Python Sets [ 30 exercises with solution]

A set object is an unordered collection of distinct hashable objects. It is commonly used in membership testing, removing duplicates from a sequence, and computing mathematical operations such as intersection, union, difference, and symmetric difference.

You may read our Python sets tutorial before solving the following exercises.

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1. Write a Python program to create a set.

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2. Write a Python program to iterate over sets.

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3. Write a Python program to add member(s) to a set.

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4. Write a Python program to remove item(s) from a given set.

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5. Write a Python program to remove an item from a set if it is present in the set.

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6. Write a Python program to create an intersection of sets.

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7. Write a Python program to create a union of sets.

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8. Write a Python program to create set difference.

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9. Write a Python program to create a symmetric difference.

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10. Write a Python program to check if a set is a subset of another set.

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11. Write a Python program to create a shallow copy of sets.

Note : Shallow copy is a bit-wise copy of an object. A new object is created that has an exact copy of the values in the original object.

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12. Write a Python program to remove all elements from a given set.

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13. Write a Python program that uses frozensets.
Note: Frozensets behave just like sets except they are immutable.

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14. Write a Python program to find the maximum and minimum values in a set.

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15. Write a Python program to find the length of a set.

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16. Write a Python program to check if a given value is present in a set or not.

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17. Write a Python program to check if two given sets have no elements in common.

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18. Write a Python program to check if a given set is a superset of itself and a superset of another given set.

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19. Write a Python program to find elements in a given set that are not in another set.

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20. Write a Python program to remove the intersection of a second set with a first set.

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21. Write a Python program to find all the unique words and count the frequency of occurrence from a given list of strings. Use Python set data type.

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22. Write a Python program that finds all pairs of elements in a list whose sum is equal to a given value.

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23. Write a Python program to find the longest common prefix of all strings. Use the Python set.

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24. Write a Python program to find the two numbers whose product is maximum among all the pairs in a given list of numbers. Use the Python set.

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25. Given two sets of numbers, write a Python program to find the missing numbers in the second set as compared to the first and vice versa. Use the Python set.

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26. Write a Python program to find all the anagrams and group them together from a given list of strings. Use the Python data type.

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27. Write a Python program to find all the anagrams in a given list of strings and then group them together. Use the Python data type.

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28. Write a Python program to find all the unique combinations of 3 numbers from a given list of numbers, adding up to a target number.

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29. Write a Python program to find the third largest number from a given list of numbers.Use the Python set data type.

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30. Write a Python program to remove all duplicates from a given list of strings and return a list of unique strings. Use the Python set data type.

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