
C# Sharp String : Exercises, Practice, Solution

C# Sharp String [68 exercises with solution]

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1. Write a program in C# Sharp to input a string and print it.
Test Data :
Input the string : Welcome, w3resource
Expected Output :

The string you entered is : Welcome, w3resource 

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2. Write a C# Sharp program to find the length of a string without using a library function.
Test Data :
Input the string : w3resource.com
Expected Output :

Length of the string is : 15 

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3. Write a C# Sharp program to separate individual characters from a string.
Test Data :
Input the string : w3resource.com
Expected Output :

The characters of the string are : 
w  3  r  e  s  o  u  r  c  e  .  c  o  m 

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4. Write a program in C# Sharp to print individual characters of the string in reverse order.
Test Data :
Input the string : w3resource.com
Expected Output :

The characters of the string in reverse are : 

m  o  c  .  e  c  r  u  o  s  e  r  3  w 

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5. Write a program in C# Sharp to count the total number of words in a string.
Test Data :
Input the string : This is w3resource.com
Expected Output :

Total number of words in the string is : 3 

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6. Write a program in C# Sharp to compare two strings without using a string library functions.
Test Data :
Input the 1st string : This is first string
Input the 2nd string : This is first string
Expected Output :

The length of both strings are equal and 
also, both strings are equal.

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7. Write a program in C# Sharp to count the number of alphabets, digits and special characters in a string.
Test Data :
Input the string : Welcome to w3resource.com
Expected Output :

Number of Alphabets in the string is : 21 
Number of Digits in the string is : 1 
Number of Special characters in the string is : 4 

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8. Write a program in C# Sharp to copy one string to another string.
Test Data :
Input the string : This is a string to be copied.
Expected Output :

The First string is : This is a string to be copied. 

The Second string is : This is a string to be copied. 

Number of characters copied : 31 

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9. Write a C# Sharp program to count the number of vowels or consonants in a string.
Test Data :
Input the string : Welcome to w3resource.com
Expected Output :

The total number of vowel in the string is : 9 
The total number of consonant in the string is : 12 

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10. Write a C# Sharp program to find the maximum number of characters in a string.
Test Data :
Input the string : Welcome to w3resource.com.
Expected Output :

The Highest frequency of character 'e' 
appears number of times : 4 

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11. Write a C# Sharp program to sort a string array in ascending order.
Test Data :
Input the string : this is a string
Expected Output :

After sorting the string appears like : 
a g h i i i n r s s s t t 

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12. Write a C# Sharp program to read a string through the keyboard and sort it using bubble sort.
Test Data :
Input number of strings :3
Input 3 strings below :
Expected Output :

After sorting the array appears like : 

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13. Write a program in C# Sharp to extract a substring from a given string without using the library function.
Test Data :
Input the string : This is a test string
Input the position to start extraction :5
Input the length of substring :5
Expected Output :

The substring retrieve from the string is :  is a

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14. Write a C# Sharp program to check whether a given substring is present in the given string.
Test Data :
Input the string : This is a Test String
Input the substring to search : Test
Expected Output :

The substring exists in the string
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15. Write a C# Sharp program to read a sentence and replace lowercase characters with uppercase and vice-versa.
Test Data :
Input the string : This is a string
Expected Output :

After conversion, the string is : tHIS IS A STRING 

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16. Write a program in C# Sharp to check the username and password.
Test Data :
Input a username: uesr
Input a password: pass
Input a username: abcd
Input a password: 1234
Expected Output :

Password entered successfully!

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17. Write a program in C# Sharp to search for the position of a substring within a string.
Test Data :
Input a String: this is a string
Input a substring to be found in the string: is
Expected Output :

Found 'is' in 'this is a string' at position 2

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18. Write a C# Sharp program to check whether a character is an alphabet and not and if so, check for the case.
Test Data :
Input a character: Z

Expected Output :

The character is uppercase.

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19. Write a program in C# Sharp to find the number of times a substring appears in a given string.
Test Data :
Input the original string : this is original string
Input the string to be searched for : str
Expected Output :

The string 'str' occurs 1 times

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20. Write a program in C# Sharp to insert a substring before the first occurrence of a string.
Test Data :
Input the original string : this is a string
Input the string to be searched for : a
Input the string to be inserted : test
Expected Output :

The modified string is : this is  test a string

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21. Write a C# Sharp program to compare (less than, greater than, equal to) two substrings.
Expected Output :

str1 = 'computer', str2 = 'system'                                               
Substring 'mp' in 'computer' is less than substring 'sy' in 'system'.  

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22. Write a C# Sharp program to compare two substrings that only differ in case. The first comparison ignores case and the second comparison considers case.
Expected Output :

str1 = 'COMPUTER', str2 = 'computer'                                             
Ignore case:                                                                     
Substring 'MP' in 'COMPUTER' is equal to substring 'mp' in 'compu                                                                              
Honor case:                                                                      
Substring 'MP' in 'COMPUTER' is greater than substring 'mp' in 'computer'.   

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23. Write a C# Sharp program to compare two substrings using different cultures and ignore the substring case.
Expected Output :

str1 = 'COMPUTER', str2 = 'computer'                                             
Ignore case, Turkish culture:                                                    
Substring 'UT' in 'COMPUTER' is equal to substring 'ut' in 'computer'.           
Ignore case, invariant culture:                                                  
Substring 'UT' in 'COMPUTER' is equal to substring 'ut' in 'computer'.   

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24. Write a C# Sharp program to compare the last names of two people. It then lists them in alphabetical order.
Expected Output :

Sorted alphabetically by last name:                                              
Michel Jhonson                                                                   
John Peterson  

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25. Write a C# Sharp program to compare four sets of words by using each member of the string comparison enumeration. The comparisons use the conventions of the English (United States) and Sami (Upper Sweden) cultures.
Note : The strings "encyclopedia" and "encyclopedia" are considered equivalent in the en-US culture but not in the Sami (Northern Sweden) culture.

Expected Output :

   case = Case (CurrentCulture): False                                           
   case = Case (CurrentCultureIgnoreCase): True                                  
   case = Case (InvariantCulture): False                                         
   case = Case (InvariantCultureIgnoreCase): True                                
   case = Case (Ordinal): False                                                  
   case = Case (OrdinalIgnoreCase): True                                         

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26. Write C# Sharp program to demonstrate that the Compare(String, String, Boolean) method is equivalent to using ToUpper or ToLower when comparing strings.
Expected Output :

Comparing 'QRS' and 'qrs':                                                       
The Strings are equal when capitalized? true                                     
The Strings are equal when case is ignored? true

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27. Write a C# Sharp program to demonstrate how culture affects comparisons.

Note : In Czech – Czech Republic culture, "ch" is a single character that is greater than "d". However, in English - United States culture, "ch" consists of two characters, and "c" is less than "d".

Expected Output :

For en-US: change < dollar                                                       
For cs-CZ: change > dollar

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28. Write a C# Sharp program to compare two strings in following three different ways produce three different results.

a. using linguistic comparison for the en-US culture;
b. using linguistic case-sensitive comparison for the en-US culture;
c. using an ordinal comparison. It illustrates how the three methods of comparison

Expected Output :

'sister' comes before 'Sister'.                                                  
'sister' is the same as 'Sister'.                                                
'sister' comes after 'Sister'.

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29. Write a C# Sharp program to compare three versions of the letter "I". The results are affected by culture choice, whether the case is ignored, and whether an ordinal comparison is performed.

Expected Output :

Compare three versions of the letter I using different values of StringComparison.                                                                                
The current culture is en-US.                                                    
LATIN SMALL LETTER I (U+0069) is less than LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I (U+0049)       

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30. Write a C# Sharp program to demonstrate that you compare ordinals and compare using different sort orders.

Expected Output :

CompareOrdinal("xyz"[1], "XYZ"[1]):                                              
   'y' is greater than 'Y'                                                       
Compare("xyz"[1], "XYZ"[1]):                                                     
   'y' is less than 'Y'

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31. Write a C# Sharp program to perform an ordinal comparison of two strings that only differ in case.

Expected Output :

Compare the numeric values of the corresponding Char objects in each string.     
str1 = 'JAVA', str2 = 'python'                                                   
String 'JAVA' is less than String 'python'.

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32. Write a C# Sharp program to compare a given string with a set of strings.

Expected Output :

Bad argument: TestClass (type TestClass)                                         
Comparing 'some text' with 'TestClass': -1                                       
Bad argument: 123 (type Int32)                                                   
Comparing 'some text' with '123': 1                                              
Comparing 'some text' with 'some text': 0                                        
Comparing 'some text' with 'Some Text': -1

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33. Write a C# Sharp program to compare the current string instance with another string.

Expected Output :

The strings occur in the same position in the sort order.                        
The first string follows the second in the sort order.                           
The first string precedes the second in the sort order.                          
The first string precedes the second in the sort order.                          
The first string follows the second in the sort order.

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34. Write a C# Sharp program to concatenate three objects, objects with a variable and a 3-element object array.

Expected Output :

Search for the target string "Å" in the string "abcЙࠉ".                          
Using the English (United Kingdom) - "en-GB" culture:                            
Case sensitive:                                                                  
  The string to search ends with the target string: False 

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35. Write a C# Sharp program to concatenate a list of variable parameters.

Expected Output :

abcd --> cadb                                                                    
efgh --> hgef                                                                    
ijkl --> lkij                                                                    
mnop --> nmpo

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36. Write a C# Sharp program to concatenate three strings and display the result.

Expected Output :

Don't count your chickens, before the eggs, have hatched.

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37. Write a C# Sharp program to concatenate string array values.

Expected Output :

hello welcome to C# Sharp create Windows client applications                     
hello applicationsC# Sharp client create to welcome Windows

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38. Write a C# Sharp program to determine whether the string "birds" is a substring of a familiar string.

Note : Quotation 'two birds with one stone'.

Expected Output :

'birds' is in the string 'Kill two birds with one stone': True                   
'birds begins at character position 10

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39. Write a C# Sharp program to create two string objects with different values.
When it calls the Copy method to assign the first value to the second string, the output indicates that the strings represent different object references. However, their values are now equal. On the other hand, when the first string is assigned to the second string, the two strings have identical values. This is because they represent the same object reference.

Expected Output :

s1 = 'JAVA'                                                                      
s2 = 'Python''

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40. Write a C# Sharp program to demonstrate the CopyTo method.

Expected Output :

w3resource CSharp Tutoral                                                        
w3resource Python Tutoral                                                        

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41. Write a C# Sharp program to indicate whether each string in an array ends with a period (".").

Expected Output :

'Actions speak louder than words' ends in a period: False                        
'Hello!' ends in a period: False                                                 
'Python.' ends in a period: True                                                 
'PHP.' ends in a period: True                                                    
'random' ends in a period: False

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42. Write C# Sharp program to check whether a string occurs at the end of another string.

Expected Output :

Search for the target string "Å" in the string "abcЙࠉ".                                                       
Using the English (United Kingdom) - "en-GB" culture:                                                         
Case sensitive:                                                                                               
  The string to search ends with the target string: False                                                     
Case insensitive:                                                                                             
  The string to search ends with the target string: False                                                     
Using the English (Australia) - "en-AU" culture:                                                              
Case sensitive:                                                                                               
  The string to search ends with the target string: False                                                     
Case insensitive:                                                                                             
  The string to search ends with the target string: False

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43. Write a C# Sharp program to determine whether a string ends with a particular substring.

Note : The results are affected by the choice of culture, whether case is ignored, and whether an ordinal comparison is performed.

Expected Output :

Determine whether a string ends with another string, using                       
different values of StringComparison.                                          
The current culture is en-US.                                                    
"xyzPQR" ends with "PQR".                                                        
"xyzPQR" ends with "PQR".

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44. Write a C# Sharp program to get the longest Palindromic substring from a given string.

From Wikipedia:
In computer science, the longest palindromic substring or longest symmetric factor problem is the problem of finding a maximum-length contiguous substring of a given string that is also a palindrome. For example, the longest palindromic substring of "bananas" is "anana". The longest palindromic substring is not guaranteed to be unique; for example, in the string "abracadabra", there is no palindromic substring with length greater than three, but there are two palindromic substrings with length three, namely, "aca" and "ada".

Expected Output :

Original String: aaaaaabbbbccc
Length of the longest substring without repeating characters of the said string:
Original String: BDEFGAABEF
Length of the longest substring without repeating characters of the said string:
Original String: Python
Length of the longest substring without repeating characters of the said string:
Original String: Java
Length of the longest substring without repeating characters of the said string:

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45. Write a C# Sharp program to reverse a given string in uppercase.

Expected Output :

Original string: php
Said string in uppercase: PHP
Original string: java
Said string in uppercase: AVAJ
Original string: abcd
Said string in uppercase: DCBA

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46. Write a C# Sharp program to remove duplicate characters from a given string.

Expected Output :

Original String: aaaaaabbbbccc
After removing duplicates characters from the said string:
Original String: Python
After removing duplicates characters from the said string:
Original String: Java
After removing duplicates characters from the said string:

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47. Write a C# Sharp program to find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters in a given string.

Expected Output :

Original String: aaaaaabbbbccc
Length of the longest substring without repeating characters of the said string:
Original String: BDEFGAABEF
Length of the longest substring without repeating characters of the said string:
Original String: Python
Length of the longest substring without repeating characters of the said string:
Original String: Java
Length of the longest substring without repeating characters of the said string:

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48. Write a C# Sharp program to reverse the case (upper->lower, lower->upper) of all the characters in a given string.

Expected Output :

Original string: PHP
After reversing the case of all characters of the said string: php

Original string: JavaScript
After reversing the case of all characters of the said string: jAVAsCRIPT

Original string: Python 3.0
After reversing the case of all characters of the said string: pYTHON 3.0

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49. Write a C# Sharp program to find the central character(s) in a given string. Return the middle character if the string length is odd and return two middle characters if the string length is even.

Expected Output :

Original string: Python
Middle character(s) of the said string: th

Original string: PHP
Middle character(s) of the said string: H

Original string: C#
Middle character(s) of the said string: C#

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50. Write a C# Sharp program to find the maximum and minimum number from a given string of numbers separated by a single space.

Expected Output :

Original string of numbers: 3 4 8 9 0 2 1
Maximum and minimum number of the said string: 9, 0

Original string of numbers: -2 -1 0 4 10
Maximum and minimum number of the said string: 10, -2

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51. Write a C# Sharp program to check whether a given string is an “isograms” or not. Return True or False.

From Wikipedia,
A heterogram (from hetero-, meaning 'different', + -gram, meaning 'written') is a word, phrase, or sentence in which no letter of the alphabet occurs more than once. The terms isogram and nonpattern word have also been used to mean the same thing.

Expected Output :

Original string: Python
Check the said string is an 'isograms' or not! True

Original string: JavaScript
Check the said string is an 'isograms' or not! False

Original string: PHP
Check the said string is an 'isograms' or not! False

Original string: C#
Check the said string is an 'isograms' or not! True

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52. Write a C# Sharp program to convert the first character of each word in a given string to uppercase.

Expected Output :

Original string: python exercises
After converting the first character of each word of the said string:
Python Exercises
Original string: The quick brown Fox jumps over the little lazy Dog
After converting the first character of each word of the said string:
The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Little Lazy Dog

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53. Write a C# Sharp program to find the position of a specified word in a given string.

Sample Example:
Text: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Position: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Expected Output :

Original string: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Position of the word 'fox' in the said string: 4
Position of the word 'The' in the said string: 1
Position of the word 'lazy' in the said string: 8

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54. Write a C# Sharp program to alternate the case of each letter in a given string. The first letter of this string must be uppercase.

Expected Output:

Original string: c# Exercises

After alternating the case of each letter of the said string:
C# ExErCiSeS

Original string: C# is used to develop web apps, desktop apps, mobile apps, games and much more.

After alternating the case of each letter of the said string:
C# Is UsEd To DeVeLoP wEb ApPs, dEsKtOp ApPs, mObIlE aPpS, GaMeS aNd MuCh MoRe.

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55. Write a C# Sharp program to reverse all the words of a given string with even length.

Expected Output:

Original string: C# Exercises

Reverse all the words of the said string which have even length.:
#C Exercises

Original string: C# is used to develop web apps , desktop apps , mobile apps , games and much more.

Reverse all the words of the said string which have even length.:
#C si desu ot develop web sppa , desktop sppa , elibom sppa , games and hcum more.

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56. Write a C# Sharp program to find the longest common ending between two given strings.

Expected Output:

Original strings: running  ruminating

Common ending between said two strings:ing

Original strings: thisisatest  testing123testing

Common ending between said two strings:

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57. Write a C# Sharp program that takes a string and reverses the words of three or more lengths in a string. Return the updated string. As input characters, only letters and spaces are permitted.

Sample Data:
("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog") -> "ehT kciuq nworb xof spmuj revo eht yzal god"
("Reverse the words of three or more") -> "esreveR eht sdrow of eerht or erom"
("ABcDef") -> "feDcBA"

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58. Write a C# Sharp program to check if two given strings are anagrams or not.

Sample Data:
("wxyz", "zyxw") -> True
("pears", "spare") -> True
("stone", "tones") -> True
("cat", "rat") -> False

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59. Write a C# Sharp program to reverse a positive integer and add the reversed number to the original number.

Sample Data:
(456) - > 456654
(-123) -> "Input a positive number."
(10000) -> 1000000001

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60. Write a C# Sharp program to count the number of duplicate characters (case sensitive) including spaces in a given string. If there are no duplicates, return 0.

Sample Data:
("Red Green WHITE") -> 2
("ppqrrsttuuu") -> 4
("dow jones industrial average") -> 9

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61. Write a C# Sharp program to count a specific string (case sensitive) in given text.

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62. Write a C# Sharp program that displays all the characters with their respective numbers from a string.

Sample Data:
("C Sharp") -> " 3 19 8 1 18 16"
("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.") -> " 20 8 5 17 21 9 3 11 2 18 15 23 14 6 15 24
10 21 13 16 19 15 22 5 18 20 8 5 12 1 26 25 4 15 7"
("HTML Tutorial") -> " 8 20 13 12 20 21 20 15 18 9 1 12 "

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63. Write a C# Sharp program that takes a string that repeats a substring. Count the number of times the substring appears.

Sample Data:
("aaaaaa") -> 6
("abababab") -> 4
("abcdabcdabcd") -> 3

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64. Write a C# Sharp program to find the longest abecedarian word in a given array of words.

Sample Data:
({"abc", "abcd", "abcdef", "pqrstuv"}) -> "pqrstuv"
({"abc", "abcd", "abcdef", "pqrs"}) -> "abcdef"
({}) -> "Empty array!"

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65. Write a C# Sharp program to find the century of a given year.

Sample Data:
(1435) -> "15th century"
(1567) -> "16th century"
(1921) -> "20th century"
(2014) -> "21st century"

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66. Write a C# Sharp program to calculate the highest frequency of the character(s) in the words of a given string.

Sample Data:
("aaaaaa") -> "a"
("Century of the said year") -> ""
("CPP Exercises”) -> "s, e, p"

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67. Write a C# Sharp program that converts ASCII characters to hexadecimal values.

Sample Data:
("Python") -> "50 79 74 68 6f 6e"
("Century of the year") -> 43 65 6e 74 75 72 79 20 6f 66 20 74 68 65 20 79 65 61 72
("CPP Exercises") -> 43 50 50 20 45 78 65 72 63 69 73 65 73

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68. Write a C# Sharp program to check whether all characters in a given string are unique. If all the characters are distinct, return “There is no similarity between any of the characters!” otherwise if not unique, then:.

  • Display a message stating this.
  • Display the duplicated character.
  • It is only necessary to display the first non-unique character.
  • Display where "both" duplicated characters appears in the string.
  • All of the above messages can be incorporated into a single message.

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