
JavaScript Date - Exercises, Practice, Solution

JavaScript Date [57 exercises with solution]

JavaScript date object is used to create dates and times. Date objects are based on a time value that is the number of milliseconds since 1 January, 1970 UTC.

Constructor :

new Date(); 
new Date(value); 
new Date(dateString); 
new Date(year, month[, day[, hour[, minute[, second[, millisecond]]]]]);

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1. Check Date Object

Write a JavaScript function to check whether an `input` is a date object or not.

Test Data :
console.log(is_date("October 13, 2014 11:13:00"));
console.log(is_date(new Date(86400000)));
console.log(is_date(new Date(99,5,24,11,33,30,0)));
console.log(is_date([1, 2, 4, 0]));
Output :

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2. Get Current Date

Write a JavaScript function to get the current date.

Note : Pass a separator as an argument.
Test Data :
Output :

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3. Days in Month

Write a JavaScript function to get the number of days in a month.

Test Data :
console.log(getDaysInMonth(1, 2012));
console.log(getDaysInMonth(2, 2012));
console.log(getDaysInMonth(9, 2012));
console.log(getDaysInMonth(12, 2012));
Output :

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4. Month Name from Date

Write a JavaScript function to get the month name from a particular date.

Test Data :
console.log(month_name(new Date("10/11/2009")));
console.log(month_name(new Date("11/13/2014")));
Output :

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5. Compare Dates

Write a JavaScript function to compare dates (i.e. greater than, less than or equal to).

Test Data :
console.log(compare_dates(new Date('11/14/2013 00:00'), new Date('11/14/2013 00:00')));
console.log(compare_dates(new Date('11/14/2013 00:01'), new Date('11/14/2013 00:00')));
console.log(compare_dates(new Date('11/14/2013 00:00'), new Date('11/14/2013 00:01')));
Output :
"Date1 = Date2"
"Date1 > Date2"
"Date2 > Date1"

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6. Add Minutes to Date

Write a JavaScript function to add specified minutes to a Date object.

Test Data :
console.log(add_minutes(new Date(2014,10,2), 30).toString());
Output :
"Sun Nov 02 2014 00:30:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)"

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7. Check Weekend

Write a JavaScript function to test whether a date is a weekend.

Note : Use standard Saturday/Sunday definition of a weekend.
Test Data :
console.log(is_weekend('Nov 15, 2014'));
console.log(is_weekend('Nov 16, 2014'));
console.log(is_weekend('Nov 17, 2014'));
Output :

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8. Date Difference in Days

Write a JavaScript function to get the difference between two dates in days.

Test Data :
console.log(date_diff_indays('04/02/2014', '11/04/2014'));
console.log(date_diff_indays('12/02/2014', '11/04/2014'));
Output :

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9. Last Day of Month

Write a JavaScript function to get the last day of a month.

Test Data :
Output :

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10. Yesterday's Date

Write a JavaScript function to calculate 'yesterday's day.

Test Data :
console.log(yesterday('Nov 15, 2014'));
console.log(yesterday('Nov 16, 2015'));
console.log(yesterday('Nov 17, 2016'));
Output :
"Fri Nov 14 2014 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)"
"Sun Nov 15 2015 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)"
"Wed Nov 16 2016 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)"

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11. Max Date in Array

Write a JavaScript function to get the maximum date from an array of dates.

Test Data :
console.log(max_date(['2015/02/01', '2015/02/02', '2015/01/03']));
Output :

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12. Min Date in Array

Write a JavaScript function to get the minimum date from an array of dates.

Test Data :
console.log(min_date(['2015/02/01', '2015/02/02', '2015/01/03']));
Output :

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13. Minutes to Hours

Write a JavaScript function that returns the number of minutes in hours and minutes.

Test Data :
Output :
"200 minutes = 3 hour(s) and 20 minute(s)."

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14. Days in Year

Write a JavaScript function to get the number of days in a year.

Test Data :

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15. Quarter of Year

Write a JavaScript function to get the quarter (1 to 4) of the year.

Test Data :
console.log(quarter_of_the_year(new Date(2015, 1, 21)));
console.log(quarter_of_the_year(new Date(2015, 10, 18)));

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16. Days Passed in Year

Write a JavaScript function to count the number of days passed since the year began.

Test Data :
console.log(days_passed(new Date(2015, 0, 15)));
console.log(days_passed(new Date(2015, 11, 14)));

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17. Unix to Time

Write a JavaScript function to convert a Unix timestamp to time.

Test Data :
console.log(days_passed(new Date(2015, 0, 15)));
console.log(days_passed(new Date(2015, 11, 14)));

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18. Calculate Age


Write a JavaScript program to calculate age.

Test Data :
console.log(calculate_age(new Date(1982, 11, 4)));
console.log(calculate_age(new Date(1962, 1, 1)));

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19. Day of Month (2 Digits)

Write a JavaScript function to get the day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros.
Test Data :
d= new Date(2015, 10, 1);

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20. Short Day Name

Write a JavaScript function to get a textual representation of a day (three letters, Mon through Sun).
Test Data :
dt = new Date(2015, 10, 1);

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21. Full Weekday Name

Write a JavaScript function to get a full textual representation of the weekday (Sunday through Saturday).
Test Data :
dt = new Date(2015, 10, 1);

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22. ISO Weekday Number

Write a JavaScript function to get an ISO-8601 numeric representation of the day of the week (1 (for Monday) to 7 (for Sunday).
Test Data :
dt = new Date(2015, 10, 1);

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23. Day Ordinal Suffix

Write a JavaScript function to get the English ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2 characters (st, nd, rd, or th).
Test Data :
dt = new Date(2015, 10, 1);

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24. ISO Week Number

Write a JavaScript function for obtaining ISO-8601 week numbers for weeks that begin on Monday.
Example : 42 (the 42nd week in the year)
Test Data :
dt = new Date(2015, 10, 1);

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25. Full Month Name

Write a JavaScript function to get a full text representation of a month, such as January or June.
Test Data :
dt = new Date(2015, 10, 1);

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26. Numeric Month

Write a JavaScript function to get a numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros (01 through 12).
Test Data :
dt = new Date(2015, 10, 1);

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27. Short Month Name

Write a JavaScript function to get a short textual representation of a month, three letters (Jan through Dec).
Test Data :
dt = new Date(2015, 10, 1);

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28. Full Year

Write a JavaScript function to get a full numeric representation of a year (4 digits).
Test Data :
dt = new Date(2015, 10, 1);

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29. Two-Digit Year

Write a JavaScript function to get a two-digit year representation.
Examples : 79 or 04
Test Data :
dt = new Date(1989, 10, 1);

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30. Lowercase AM/PM

Write a JavaScript function to get lowercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem.
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31. Uppercase AM/PM

Write a JavaScript function to get uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem.

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32. Swatch Internet Time

Write a JavaScript function to swatch Internet time (000 through 999).
Test Data :
dt = new Date(1989, 10, 1);

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33. 12-Hour Format

Write a JavaScript function to get the 12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros.
Test Data :
dt = new Date(1989, 10, 1);

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34. 24-Hour Format

Write a JavaScript function to get the 24-hour format of an hour without leading zeros.
Test Data :
dt = new Date(1989, 10, 1);

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35. Minutes Leading Zeros

Write a JavaScript function to get minutes with leading zeros (00 to 59).
Test Data :
dt = new Date(1989, 10, 1);

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36. Seconds Leading Zeros

Write a JavaScript function to get seconds with leading zeros (00 through 59).
Test Data :
dt = new Date(1989, 10, 1);

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37. Get Timezone

Write a JavaScript function to get the Timezone.
Test Data :
dt = new Date();
"India Standard Time"
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38. Daylight Savings Check

Write a JavaScript function to find out whether or not the date is daylight savings time.
Test Data :
dt = new Date();

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39. GMT Difference

Write a JavaScript function to get the difference between Greenwich time (GMT) and in hours.
Test Data :
dt = new Date();

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40. Timezone Offset (Seconds)

Write a JavaScript function to get the timezone offset in seconds.
Note : The offset for timezones west of UTC is always negative, and for those east of UTC is always positive.
Test Data :
dt = new Date();

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41. Add Years to Date

Write a JavaScript function to add specified years to a date.
Test Data :
dt = new Date(2014,10,2);
console.log(add_years(dt, 10).toString());
Output :
"Sat Nov 02 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)"

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42. Add Weeks to Date

Write a JavaScript function to add specified weeks to a date.
Test Data :
dt = new Date(2014,10,2);
console.log(add_weeks(dt, 10).toString());
Output :
"Sun Jan 11 2015 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)"

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43. Add Months to Date

Write a JavaScript function to add specified months to a date.
Test Data :
dt = new Date(2014,10,2);
console.log(add_months(dt, 10).toString());
"Wed Sep 02 2015 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)"

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44. Time Diff in Minutes

Write a JavaScript function to get time differences in minutes between two dates.
Test Data :
dt1 = new Date("October 13, 2014 11:11:00");
dt2 = new Date("October 13, 2014 11:13:00");
console.log(diff_minutes(dt1, dt2));

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45. Time Diff in Hours

Write a JavaScript function to get time differences in hours between two dates.
Test Data :
dt1 = new Date("October 13, 2014 08:11:00");
dt2 = new Date("October 13, 2014 11:13:00");
console.log(diff_hours(dt1, dt2));

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46. Time Diff in Days

Write a JavaScript function to get time differences in days between two dates.
Test Data :
dt1 = new Date("October 13, 2014 08:11:00");
dt2 = new Date("October 19, 2014 11:13:00");
console.log(diff_days(dt1, dt2));

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47. Time Diff in Weeks

Write a JavaScript function to get time differences in weeks between two dates.
Test Data :
dt1 = new Date("June 13, 2014 08:11:00");
dt2 = new Date("October 19, 2014 11:13:00");
console.log(diff_weeks(dt1, dt2));

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48. Time Diff in Months

Write a JavaScript function to get time differences in months between two dates.
Test Data :
dt1 = new Date("June 13, 2014 08:11:00");
dt2 = new Date("October 19, 2014 11:13:00");
console.log(diff_months(dt1, dt2));

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49. Time Diff in Years

Write a JavaScript function to get time differences in years between two dates.
Test Data :
dt1 = new Date("June 13, 2014 08:11:00");
dt2 = new Date("October 19, 2017 11:13:00");
console.log(diff_years(dt1, dt2));

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50. Week Start Date

Write a JavaScript function to get the week's start date.
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51. Week End Date

Write a JavaScript function to get the week end date.
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52. Month Start Date

Write a JavaScript function to get the month's start date.
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53. Month End Date

Write a JavaScript function to get the month end date.
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54. Check Date in Range

Write a JavaScript function to check if a given date is between two other dates.
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55. Check Weekday or Weekend

Write a JavaScript program to check if the current date is a weekday or a weekend.
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56. Display Month Calendar

Write a JavaScript program that accepts a month in the format mm/yyyy and display the month's calendar.

Test Data: ('1/2019') ->

"M   T   W   Th  F   S   Su"
"    1   2   3   4   5   6   "
"7   8   9   10  11  12  13  "
"14  15  16  17  18  19  20  "
"21  22  23  24  25  26  27  "
"28  29  30  31  "
('2/1990') ->
"M   T   W   Th  F   S   Su"
"        1   2   3   4   5   "
"6   7   8   9   10  11  12  "
"13  14  15  16  17  18  19  "
"20  21  22  23  24  25  26  "
"27  28  "
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57. Day Name from Date String

Write a JavaScript program to get the name of a day based on a given date in string format.

Test Data:
("07/11/2000") -> "Tuesday"
("11/06/2017") -> "Sunday"
("11/26/2017") -> "Not a valid Date!"
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